"Jannat 2" director Kunal Deshmukh has played it smart. While shooting the 'A' certificate film, he was already prepared for necessary alterations that will be required for it to be showcased at the small screen.
Otherwise, he says he wouldn't wish to see his film being murdered with several cuts by the censors.
"We do know there are some guidelines. Whether good or bad, we need to follow them. While shooting ('Jannat 2'), we did take alternate takes for certain scenes like lovemaking and liplocks which I knew might get cut. I needed to reshoot the song so as to still follow the story," Deshmukh told.
"What you will find of 'Jannat 2' on TV could be almost uncut, but a unique cut. I WOULDN'T want my movies to be murdered with 59 cuts. I DO NOT wish to be within the same situation as 'The Dirty Picture'," he added.
Ekta Kapoor's bold film "The Dirty Picture", which was set for its worldwide TV premiere Sunday afternoon, was submitted with 59 cuts. Despite that, it wasn't allowed to be shown in any time slot before 11 p.m.
Deshmukh was prepared for one of these situation, and shot alternative scenes to showcase the movie on TV.
"We were prepared for it and that i dubbed my film for satellite. We took alternative dubs for language, which I knew might not be allowed on TV," he said.
"Jannat 2" features Emraan Hashmi, Esha Gupta and Randeep Hooda. It's slated for release May 4.