Directed by Reema Kagti, the film, featuring Aamir, Rani Mukerji and Kareena Kapoor, was made at the cheap of Rs.40 crore and its satellite rights were also sold for Rs.40 crore. "Talaash" released across 2,500 screens.
The film opened with rave reviews and its first weekend breakup is - Rs.14.52 crore (Friday), Rs.16.37 crore (Saturday) and Rs.18.1 crore (Sunday).
Rajesh Thadani of Multimedia Combines, Mumbai, says the response to the film is sweet and it's attracting more of a category audience.
"It is more for sophistication audience in preference to masses. The weekend have been excellent and the movie is doing great in multiplexes in comparison to single screens," Thadani told.
A lot of families also are coming to observe the suspense thriller, said Jaspal Dhingra of Nanaksar Enterprises.
Unlike his previous films, Aamir, who's also the producer of the film together with Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani, chose to maintain the promotions low-key as they did not need to ruin the suspense of the film.
And his business plan gave the impression to have worked in relation to attracting footfalls.
"The footfalls are exceeding and the movie has almost 80-90 percent occupancy. All age groups are coming," said Rahul Singh, senior vice president, PVR Cinemas.
However, Singh says weekdays will decide its longevity.
"The weekdays will decide the way it does in future because the word of mouth spreads. Movies like 'Khiladi 786' and 'Dabangg 2' will release so we can need to wait and watch," he said.