Actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, who recently gave birth to a child girl, made her first official appearance post motherhood at L’Oréal Paris Femina Women Awards 2012 held in Mumbai on Thursday evening.
The award ceremony was part of the celebration of 40th anniversary of cosmetic major L’Oréal Paris.
The L'Oréal Paris ‘Because You’re Worth It’ award was presented by L'Oréal Paris brand ambassador Aishwarya to winners-Anand & Nicola Esteves- of a competition where participants needed to nominate a distinct woman of their lives.
Aishwarya said, “A woman is the whole circle. Within her is the ability to create, nurture and transform.
"The ‘Because You’re Worth It’ award could be very special to me, it's been instituted for the lady who maybe has not hit the limelight for her achievements but has carried forth in her efforts to complement her life and the lives of these around her.”
The actor had a surprise up her sleeve when she gave away a unique award to the girl most worth it to her - her mother Vrinda Rai.
“I want to thank L’Oréal Paris for giving me this sort of great platform to turn my appreciation to the girl who’s most worth it to me, the nucleus of my life, my mother,” Aishwarya said.
L’Oréal Paris brand ambassador and actor Sonam Kapoor presented the Editors Choice L’Oréal Paris Femina Women Award for Beauty Specialist to make up artist Namrata Soni.
Sonam said, “L’Oréal Paris has always made me feel empowered and wonderful from within.
"Their slogan ‘Because I'M Worth It’ re-affirms my belief that we as women are strong people who have the appropriate to face for what we're and what we believe in because we're all worth it."