Just back from the BAFTAs, Anil Kapoor is prepared to get busy together with his television debut this year. The veteran actor who's busy taking care of the production work of his latest venture talks to CS about Bollywood going global:
International identity I feel that Slumdog Millionaire (SDM) was a trendsetter of types. It opened new avenues for talented Indians within the field of cinema. The exchange of ideas between Hollywood and Bollywood will only grow further. Even people from our industry have started making efforts to succeed in out to a much broader audience. Earlier, they did try their luck in Hollywood but were too shy to discuss it. They did not discuss it publicily as they feared failure. Now they're more vocal about their struggles in Hollywood. Actors from our industry have called me enquiring about Hollywood's work patterns and whereabouts. And i'm more than happy with this change.
On phoren shores I am very optimistic that Indian cinema will cross the benchmark created by Slumdog Millionaire some day. The day a production directed and written by Indians becomes an international success, I SUPPOSE we will be able to cross that benchmark. And by global success, I DO NOT mean just going to few critically acclaimed award ceremonies but commercial success as well.
Content calling Bollywood really must understand what's going to be accepted worldwide. The topic and the script need to be original, yet very relatable for individuals to just accept it worldwide. A LARGE NUMBER OF research is wanted so far as the content is concerned.