After weeks of speculation, it looks as if Ekta Kapoor’s zombie film helmed by Navdeep Singh is back on the right track. And sources attribute it to leading man of the film Abhay Deol, who apparently gave a private guarantee to the producer to wrap up the film throughout the stipulated budget.
According to our source, from the time Abhay heard the script, he was very passionate about the film. “So he was upset when the film got stuck on account of going over-budget within the first schedule.
So while the following schedule was pushed to post-monsoon, Abhay decided in order for the film doesn’t get into more trouble, ” says our source, adding that a method of doing it was to get more excited by the film than just as an actor.
We’re further told that the actor had a word with the producer to grasp her concerns in regards to the film going over budget. “Ekta made it clear that she has allotted Rs 9 crore and won't spend a rupee greater than that.
So far Rs 6 crore have been spent at the production and the rest 1/2 the film should be completed in Rs 3 crore, ” reveals our source, reiterating that Abhay has given his personal guarantee in order for the project is done throughout the stipulated budget.
Reportedly, the film had hit a roadblock after differences between Ekta’s production house and co-producer Siddharth Jain’s company.
Needless to say, the actor goes to be inquisitive about the production in order for unnecessary expenditure isn't incurred. Besides, it is usually learnt that they are going to need to perform a little re-negotiating with the technical crew and the others.
As our source explains, “Certain expenses, that have been confirmed before the beginning of the film, may be re-negotiated. Abhay might be all in favour of the restructuring of the budget for the rest film.” The following shoot schedule is in Jaipur sometime in August.