Petrol in Delhi will cost Rs.73.18 a litre, in Mumbai Rs.78.57 a litre, in Kolkata Rs.77.88 and in Chennai Rs.77.53 per litre. The stars took to Twitter to share their views at the Rs.7.5 price hike in fuel.
Here's what that they had to say:
Amitabh Bachchan: Petrol up Rs.7.5: Pump attendant - 'Kitne ka daloon ?'! Mumbaikar - '2-4 rupye ka car ke upar spray kar de bhai, jalana hai!!
Boman Irani: Another petrol price hike!!! Thankfully the ticket prices of 'Ferrari Ki Sawaari' will still cost the same.
Gul Panag: Petrol becomes more expensive, again. Could also be its time to enhance public transportation and seriously develop alternate sources of energy.
Ashish Chowdhry: Simply by the way in which, disgusted with the centre for hiking petrol prices the way they have got leaving aside options which might hurt the 'aam aadmi' less. A numb move! Increase taxes on gold and silver, look into tax exemptions, deal with loose subsidies, build industry; huge options. Why hurt common people so bad?
Divya Dutta: One and all appears to be filling petrol! Rs.7.50 hike?? Are we able to all come back to bicycles please? It's getting worse!
Kunal Kapoor: Petrol is as much as 78 rs per litre! Forget cars, banks wish to get a hold of EMI schemes for petrol besides now!
Kabir Bedi: Oil Cos have losses of 145, 000 Crore in last 4 years. Petrol price rise unavoidable UNLESS Govt reduces taxes. WILL THEY?