While Ileana D’Cruz waits for her Bollywood career to take off with Anurag Basu eagerly-awaited Barfi, she has gone back to Hyderabad to work on Jagannadh Puri’s Telugu film Devudu Chesina Manushulu where she stars opposite the reigning superstar of Telugu cinema Ravi Teja.
In Devudu Chesina Manushulu Ileana moves completely clear of clone of the easy uncomplicated girl in Barfi to play the piping-hot seductress in Puri’s film.
Ileana plays a taxi-driver in Devudu Chesina Manushulu. Says a source with reference to the project, “Ileana plays the sexiest role of her career within the film. Identical to the staid sober sedate and shy girl goes out of the window. She have been re-invented as a phataka on this role. ”
Says Puri Jagannadh, “I’ve worked plenty of times with Ileana. She is going to be seen in an absolutely different avatar in my new film. The title Devudu Chesina Manushulu is tentative. We may soon change it. ”
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