Post working in Devdas, Shah Rukh Khan and Sanjay Leela Bhansali's friendship went kaput, way to Om Shanti Om and Saawariya clashing on the box office. Angry words were exchanged and the 2 didn't speak to one another after that. But, buzz is thon the past is all about to change.
Both SRK and SLB were present at the promotional event for Bela Sehgal's new film, where the 2 released its official poster.
Our sources say that post the event, Shah Rukh was whisked away by Bhansali to his new office. The source says, `The two reminisced about their old days together.`
The source adds, `Both discussed the logistics and where it may be based and who all may well be cast within the project. Their conversation went on till late night.` After all, in Bollywood it's never too late to begin afresh!