The movie, directed by Bela Sehgal, narrates the tale of 2 40-plus lovers. The kissing scene would have involved Farah and actor Boman Irani. But neither was Farah comfortable, nor did she think it was important.
"It was within the script, but if I saw the script, I asked them to take away it otherwise I (told them I WILL NOT) do it. Afterwards, I DID NOT need to have argument at the sets. So that they removed it and it was not important, " Farah said here.
"Either you are saying 'It is essential for my movie, so that you must wear these clothes for me and if you cannot wear it, darling, I WILL BE ABLE TO take someone else.' Or say 'It isn't important, I WOULD LIKE you simply and get it removed.' It's better to be open instead of getting negative energy at the sets later, " said the 47-year-old.
"Shirin Farhad Ki Toh Nikal Padi" will release Aug 24.