Ram Charan Teja, Prakash Raj and Mahie Gill were recently shooting in Thailand for Apoorva Lakhia’s remake of Amitabh Bachchan’s 1970s cop film. The forged and crew appeared to have had an especially good time, savouring the local delicacies when not shooting.
Says a unit source, “The entire unit used to move out for dinner day by day. They might try the local cuisine at various restaurants after close up. But one dish that will invariably find its place at the table was Khao Phad Kai Dow — egg-fried rice done the Thai way. Mahie got addicted to to the dish and would order it everyday without fail.”
Adds the source, “She would force director Apoorva Lakhia and producer Amit Mehra to eat it too everyday. Though there could be more exotic stuff available, Mahie would still insist on ordering her favorite dish!”
Mahie informs, “I love Thai food and developed a taste for this dish. Apoorva started teasing me because the brand ambassador of Thailand’s egg fried rice. He said that I should promote the dish in India as well.”
Mahie, who's reprising Bindu’s iconic Mona Darling act within the remake, made sure that each unit member had a minimum of a couple of spoons of it every night!
Courtesy: Mid-Day.com